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First Aid for Yoga Teachers

22nd September 2024
at The Light Centre

First Aid for Yoga Teachers

Tutor: Kerri Hartwright

Date: 22nd September 2024

Time: 09:30 - 16:30

Location: The Light Centre

Type of Event: First Aid Days

Places Available: 12

First Aid Course for Yoga Teachers - 2024 

Join Kerri Hartwright, on this First aid course. Kerri is an experienced first aid tutor and A&E Nurse and has a wealth of knowledge to share with you, giving you the confidence to deal with first aid injuries /illness or situations in both the yoga room and everyday life. 

The cost of the day includes certification - valid for 3 years. 

Booklet and resources are provided on the day but please bring a notepad and pen for notes 

Wear comfortable clothing. No yoga equipment or props are required. 

Please bring your own lunch or there are also local cafes near the venue. 

Cost of the course and certification for BWY members and teachers is £95 Non-members £135 


The Light Centre
7-9 Eccleston Street


If you are a BWY member please ensure you are logged in. To make a booking for this event please select a ticket type and then click send booking. Certain events are only available to specific member types, for example first aid days for teachers and student teachers so please logon first to see specific tickets.

If you have questions please contact the event organiser or webadmin using the regional contacts page.

Ticket Type Price Tickets
Non BWY Member £135.00
Non Bwy Member
