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Accredited Training Organisations

BWY has a reputation for excellence in its own yoga teacher training qualifications and it seeks to maintain diversity of teaching and tradition by offering recognition to the high standards of yoga teacher training offered by other organisations. As a Sport England Governing Body for yoga, the BWY therefore offers accreditation, via a rigorous application process, to yoga teacher training organisations in the UK. In 2017 the name given to organisations that successfully complete this process was changed to Approved Training Organisation (ATO).

Becoming a BWY ATO is a way for organisations to demonstrate that their Fundamental/ Extended teacher training programmes meet a high-quality standard. The subsequent use of the BWY ATO/EAG logo is also intended to be a benchmark of quality and validation.

Other benefits of being a BWY ATO include:

  • Students who qualify via an ATO will become BWY accredited teachers, benefiting from a market-leading insurance policy and many other benefits of BWY tutor membership including the quarterly magazine, Spectrum, Congress, training days and discounts on yoga equipment and free entry to the Om Yoga Shows.
  • ATO qualified tutors achieve BWY accredited teacher status
  • Linking to the BWY is an opportunity for information exchange, co-operation, networking and sharing good practice.
  • BWY ATO status offers authority to the ATO qualification and CIMSPA recognition (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity).
  • BWY arranges networking and training events for ATOs and it is hoped that accredited organisations will correspond, meet and work together as a wider yoga learning community.

If you are interested in becoming an ATO, please email Central Office.

BWY Established Accredited Groups (EAGs)

Teach Yoga Ltd (TYL)

Teach Yoga offer BWY Accredited and Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Courses, together with Therapeutic Yoga training, workshops and retreats.

Teach Yoga was founded in 2001 by Elena Voyce PhD, who was a pioneer of Therapeutic Yoga in the UK and is well known for her unique system that combines Ancient Wisdom with principles of rehabilitation and modern science, making it one of the safest, transformational methods available. She is joined on the course by tutors who are experts in the fields of asana, pranayama, meditation, anatomy and physiology. Senior course tutors include Swami Saradananda and Krishnaa Devi, who is also one of the only Sanskrit Scholars in the UK.

Our training is about much more than pieces of paper. The investment that you make in it is also an investment into making true progress with your yoga journey, opening up new opportunities for yourself in life and taking a course that is designed to give you the practical tools and experience necessary to prepare you for a fulfilling teaching path.

Over the past fifteen years, Teach Yoga has evolved whilst keeping the core values of integrity, precision and sincerity consistent. As the school and tutors have grown, our vision has widened and we have been able to combine our years of experience to deliver what we feel is the best training course that we can offer in order to give you optimal guidance on your journey to becoming a Yoga Teacher.

Yoga Academy (YA)

The Yoga Academy offers BWY accredited, Yoga Alliance US and Yoga Alliance UK registered foundational teacher trainings as well as ongoing training for teachers.

All courses are held at residential venues. The foundational training is not specific to any one contemporary school or style of yoga, but offers broad based education in yoga, offering a sound platform of knowledge in lesson planning and teaching methodology, applied anatomy, pranayama, relevant yoga philosophy and subtle anatomy.

Ongoing training is offered as study immersions of different length with a focus on specific topics that enhance teachers’ teaching skills, inspire their further education and develop their personal practice.

Further information

Yoga Satsanga Ashram (YSA)

Yoga Satsanga Ashram is the home of Sanatan Yoga - an authentic Yoga teacher training school run in an ashram style as yoga was taught in ancient India, living with the Guru (one who leads us from our darkness or ignorance towards the light of eternal truth or 'sat') in a highly structured routine of Yoga sadhana (practice) which includes:


Asana; Pranayama; Karma yoga; Mantra chanting and understanding the meanings of the sanskrit verses; Study of parts various scriptures including the Yoga Sutras codified by Maharishi Patanjali, Bhagavadgita, Vedas, Hatha yoga Pradipika and many other relevant scriptures; Bhakti yoga or devotional singing to your aspect of divinity; The yogic perspective on the body alongside modern understanding of anatomy and physiology; Satsanga or contemplation and discussion of the vast science of yoga philosophy and the culture of its roots.


Our Ashram is associated with the International Centre for Yoga Education and Research (ICYER), Ananda Ashram based in Pudicherry, S India which was founded by YogaMaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri. We are the first teacher training school in the UK in associated with ICYER training teachers since 2011 in the UK. The Ashram is run by Yoga Tilakam Yogachariya Jnandev and Yogachemmal Yogacharini Deepika who are both senior teachers of the Gitananda Tradition.


Our courses: 300 hours, 500 hours, Pregnancy and Children's Yoga.

Deepika also runs a 500 hours Pranayama Teacher training with Dr Ananda Bhavanani which runs over two years partially on line and partial residential intensives (Wales UK or ICYER, India)

Jnanade also runs a Yoga Chikitsa 300hrs (Therapy course ) with Dr Ananda Bhavanani also partially online and part residential at ICYER, India.


For further information speak to Yogachariya Jnandev and Yogacharini Deepika, Yoga Satsanga Ashram, Carmartenshire, Wales.


Tel: 01437 562200
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BWY Approved Training Organisations (ATOs)

Mind Flow Yoga

Experienced – Modern – Practical – Respected – Mindflowyoga.

Mindflowyoga yoga teacher training has been developed over twenty years in live class environments. It is an integrated approach to learning and teaching yoga, in which asana is interwoven with anatomy & physiology, philosophy, energetic practices and personal development. The non modular style allows the student practitioner to see how philosophy, bandha, mudra, mantra, and pranayama can be used effectively and safely in a mainstream yoga class at a variety of levels. Students begin their teaching practice almost immediately so that normalisation of teaching others is achieved quickly, conquering initial fears, and allowing the focus to be on learning how to develop their understanding, teaching style, and integrated asana
work. This student focused methodology, is augmented by a philosophical approach to self understanding and personal development with strong nurturing mentoring. Our faculty staff have a superb track history and
bring it to bear on our courses.

Philosophy covers an understanding Sanskrit, Gita, Upanishads, and Pantajali. This is applied on the mat in relation to asana analysis and practical application, and off the mat; related in a clear, simple manner
to everyday thoughts, words and actions.

Our students leave us strong, resilient, and capable of being the yoga teachers they always wanted to be.
This is underpinned with a mental strength that allows for learning and growth. We aim to kindle the fire that already exists into a blaze of passion, imagination, strength and intelligence.

We have a variety of yoga courses that are suited to both students andteachers alike. We offer interesting and practical yoga CPD days, workshops, weekly classes (see it in action!) and 500 hour teacher training.

Our qualification is both UK and Internationally recognised and is strengthened by the teachers who graduate and the integrity of their practice and teaching.

If you feel you need to know more yoga; get in touch.


Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training

Are you looking for a new perspective on yoga teacher training?

We’re passionate about the intelligence of the human body, and have created a thought-provoking course, which actively encourages you to question current teaching methods and alignment cues. This training will help you develop a deeper understanding of how to work with the body in yoga, and how to share that understanding through your practice and teaching.

Our approach includes influences from Vanda Scaravelli, Feldenkrais, somatic and functional movement practices and is driven by the most current scientific anatomical and movement research. We will work hard to help you develop into a skilful and responsive teacher and to nurture your approach and understanding of yoga through a consistent, mature and intelligent personal practice.

Because we believe it takes time and space to develop great teachers, iytt provides well over 200 hours of contact with senior teachers and is spread across 18 months. The course is designed in an immersive modular format and backed up by ongoing assessment and supportive mentoring and supervision throughout.


Catherine Annis (Core tutor and course leader)
Peter Blackaby (functional anatomy)
Gary Carter (myofascial connections)
Jody Barber (introduction to anatomy)
Neville Cregan (philosophy)

Courses begin every year in Autumn in Central London, with a maximum of 18 trainees.

For more information and to take the next steps in fulfilling your dream of becoming a yoga teacher, please get in touch:

Phone: 01643 851253

True Yoga
True Yoga is a training and teaching organisation led by Colin Dunsmuir dedicated to supporting, encouraging and facilitating education, research and clinical expertise in Yoga and Yoga Therapy. It delivers Foundation Training, Teacher Training, Post Graduate Training, one-off workshops and private consultations according to the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar.
As means of complimentary therapy, the philosophical schools of Yoga and Ayurveda are given a real life application in the western therapeutic context to target the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health and disease. Trainings meet the highest standards set by the British Wheel of Yoga, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council and the British Council of Yoga Therapy, as well as other international regulatory bodies.

The Shiatsu College Meridian Yoga

Are you searching for a teacher training which will help you develop a more playful and exploratory approach to bodywork? Curious to learn more about the meridians? Fascinated by the Scaravelli approach to Yoga?

The Shiatsu College was founded 1984 and its Yoga Teacher Training was created and developed by Yoga, Dance, Shiatsu and Qigong teachers with years of practice, teacher training expertise and educational qualifications between them.

This creative course will support you in developing your Yoga practice, your knowledge and understanding of the energy body and cultivate your confidence as a teacher.

You will study with the underpinning principles of listening to the body, ‘undoing the doing’, and connecting with the deep spiritual aspects of Yoga. You will experience a student focused programme in which assessment is continuous, practical and supportive. There are no written exams.

We offer BWY and IYN accredited teacher training and CPD days. Our courses are 300 and 500 hours – 24 months. Flexible entry is available, please contact us for details.

Your fees include The Shiatsu College’s course in Holistic Anatomy and Physiology, a first aid training day and your BWY fees

Our Teachers have two centuries of Yoga practice between us!

Catherine Burnett
Surrinder Chera
Annie Cryar
Rosabella Jordan
Zowie Martin
Cat Westwood
Website email Telephone 07722868397

Yoga Wise - School of Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga Wise School of Yoga and Ayurveda was founded in 2019 by Emma Turnbull who is a BWY teacher and Ayurvedic Consultant.

Yoga Wise offers BWY Foundation Courses and a 500hr Diploma in Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training accredited by the BWY.

This course is so much more than learning to teach yoga – this unique course is Ayurvedic Yoga teacher training. Which means whilst you were learn everything you need to know to become a safe, effective and competent yoga teacher, you will also learn how to apply the ancient teachings of Ayurveda to your teaching and personal practice. You will learn so much more about yourself as you journey to become a yoga teacher.

You will learn all the essential skills such as:

·Course planning

·Lesson planning

·In depth Anatomy and Physiology






·Legal and Professional aspects of teaching

·Business and Marketing for Yoga Teachers

·Ayurvedic Wisdom and how to apply it to your practice and teaching

·Self care and boundaries as a Yoga teacher

·and much more that underpins modern Yoga practice.

It is a very in depth and practical course that will equip you with all the tools you need to teach confidently and competently whilst developing and deepening your own practice.

Courses are held over two years, in person at Yoga Wise Studio in Essex. Our next course is due to commence Spring 2024.

For more information and to request a student pack:




Yoga Campus

Enrol in the Yogacampus Yoga Teacher Training Diploma for an authentic, inclusive and non-dogmatic learning experience with one of the UK’s longest-running yoga teacher training courses.

Rather than limiting your focus to any particular school or mode of yoga, our in-depth training covers a wide spectrum of yogic teachings, empowering you to embody your practise and teaching style without ego and dogma.

Over 16 months, immerse yourself in the lineage and traditions of yoga and develop your own unique teaching style that uses yogic principles to enrich 21st century lives. 

This course is for those who want to:
•Incorporate yoga teaching into an existing career or hobby (you might have a job like physiotherapist, social worker, carer, teacher, coach);
•learn over an extended period, doing the course alongside other commitments (e.g. not packing up and going away for a month to study!);
•Have access to readings materials, practice quizzes, videos and more via a state-of-the-art online learning system;
•Have a better understanding of how your own practice influences your teaching;
•confidently develop content & teach groups, individuals, in-person classes, online classes, and workshops;
•Engage in the ‘bigger’ learning of integrating yoga into your daily life;
•Start teaching early on in the course and be supported and mentored while you develop your own voice (unlike a short course);
•Engage in a course that encourages exploration and self-development; becoming a yoga teacher who embodies compassion and empathy
•Learn with a faculty of specific experts in their fields (plus a core group of experienced teachers with knowledge of a wide range of yoga traditions);
•Hear different viewpoints – versus a course with a single teacher – informed by both depth of tradition and current knowledge;
•Be encouraged to explore your own understanding of different perspectives;
•Be able to rely on multiple layers of support (the dedicated Yogacampus Office team; our Board; and Contact Teachers);
•Receive practical feedback and support engaging with contact teachers in small groups;
•Be backed up by an established but independent Board (who oversee the course quality and student progression);
•Build connections and networks across the country with Yogacampus students studying in other locations;
•Engage with current issues faced by yoga teachers today, in discussion groups with other current students and course graduates.

Join us for a free Taster Event to experience the training and have the opportunity to ask questions about the course.  To arrange a 1:1 phone call please email

Address:  London, Manchester, York
Website and email contact:,

Adamo School of Yoga

Adamo School of Yoga has grown out of the BWY and aims to provide all the essential elements of the BWY course with a more practical focus and additional aspects which come from the extensive experience of the tutors in delivering courses and classes. 

Led by Richard, one of the most experienced teacher trainers in the UK, who has a background in Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga. As well as asana and pranayama he has a great understanding of yoga philosophy and has given lectures and workshops on yoga practice and theory.  Starting 35 years ago as a BWY trained teacher, and then course tutor and verifier he has also been Chair of the BWY and of BWY Education. Kat has trained with the BWY and has also qualified in teaching children and Yin Yoga, so we provide a great range of skills and experience. For further info please visit our website.
We provide a Face to Face teacher training course with online backup and a library of recorded lectures. We also have created an online development course for those who want to further their knowledge of yoga. 

Courses run from Telford which is easily accessible from the M54. The next teacher training is scheduled to begin in January 2023 and takes place one Sunday a month for 20 meetings over 2 years. Our course fees are £1600.

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New website go-live – special update for BWY members

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