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Members visiting the website for the first time, please enter your BWY Membership number and your postcode as your password, you will then be prompted to enter a new password for your account.

Become a Volunteer

There are many volunteer opportunities

We have 12 regions, each of which is run by a regional committee.

Committee roles include:

- Regional Officer
- County Representatives
- Treasurer
- Editor
- Website Administrator
- Regional Training Officer
- Secretary

Some regions also appoint a deputy for various roles. 

How do I find out what is available in my region?

For vacancies get in touch with your Regional Officer.

What sort of commitment would my work for the committee involve?

This depends on the role and responsibilities:
  • County Representatives organise regional events including In Service Training  
  • Regional Training Officer previews and reviews these events 
  • Secretary sends out any correspondence and takes minutes at meetings
  • Website Administrator updates the regional web pages
  • Treasurer arranges payments for invoices and produces annual accounts
  • Newsletter Editor puts the newsletter together 
  • Regional Officer leads the committee, arranging and running meetings, supporting committee members and maintaining contact with other Regional Officers and staff at our Central Office

Who can join a committee? 

Any member is eligible.

Would I receive any expenses?

Although all posts are volunteer, the BWY would not want you to be out of pocket as a result of supporting their region.

Details of what expenses can be claimed and how to go about doing so can be found in the Expenses Policy

If I joined the committee would I be legally liable?

Indemnity insurance (sometimes known as "liability insurance") exists for all BWY offices. This is personal insurance which protects the office holder against the risk of personal liability arising from any breach of responsibilities, in line with the Charity Commissioners recommendations.

How many meetings would I have to attend?

Most regions hold at least two meetings a year, in addition to the AGM. These provide a useful opportunity for committee members to get together, organise events, share information and get advice from the group.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

BWY committees are friendly and welcoming and members certainly benefit socially.  There is also the potential to develop personal skills and time spent on a BWY committee can provide useful opportunities to improve your CV, gaining valuable knowledge and experience that could enhance and develop your future career.

You may achieve a greater understanding of regional management processes; learn how to plan, promote and manage events; develop new channels of communication and have the opportunity to pool knowledge and experience. 

Participation in a committee also promotes mutual understanding, team-work and cooperation and, best of all, will give you that warm glow of knowing that you have achieved karma yoga.

Can I be involved without joining committee?

Volunteers are always very welcome and there are many ways in which you could assist, especially at events and AGM.  Contact your regional officer to find out how you can help.

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New website go-live – special update for BWY members

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