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BWYT Foundation Courses

Deepen your yoga knowledge and practice - perhaps before teacher training or just to extend your understanding.
Foundation Course 1 
is designed to explore yoga in more depth. It includes practical and theoretical work on the eight limbs of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 e.g. asana, pranayama, concentration and meditation. As well as the history, different paths of yoga and a look at pranic anatomy.
This course is intended for students who have at least two years attendance of live classes and would like to develop their knowledge of yoga further as well as for those wanting to train as teachers as it provides them with a good introduction to our Certificate and Diploma teaching courses.

Foundation Course 2 is for students who have completed Foundation Course 1 and would like to continue to broaden their depth of yoga knowledge, without training to be a yoga teacher. 
The course content includes more asana and pranayama, as well as meditation, chanting, prana, nadis, kosas (pancamaya), mudras, bandhas, kriyas and an in-depth study of Chapter 1 of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.  The course also includes approaches to planning personal practices to meet individual needs.

Foundation Course by Distance Learning
Want to study the course at your own pace and convenience? Then our distance learning Foundation Course might be of interest. 

The next Foundation course 1 by distance learning is planned to begin in September 2023 with Charlotte Prud'homme.

For more information or an application form, please contact Charlotte Prud'homme

*All courses are 60 hours. 

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New website go-live – special update for BWY members

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