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CPD - Pranayama: The Healing Dimension

23rd June 2024
at Papplewick Village Hall

CPD - Pranayama: The Healing Dimension

Tutor: Philip XERRI

Date: 23rd June 2024

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Location: Papplewick Village Hall

Type of Event: CPD

Places Available: 24

PRANAYAMA: THE HEALING DIMENSION This workshop will explore this vast subject from a variety of approaches: DIRECTIONAL HEALING This approach is based on Swami Gitananda’s classic practice of the Pranava AUM. The basic practice combines sectional breathing, the Prana Mudras and healing mantras to infuse the whole body with a powerful therapeutic force. Sectional Breathing is the physical component. This practice can deliver benefits to the intestinal tract, the abdominal organs, heart and lungs through increased blood supply, movement and massage. The sectional abdominal breath can also release tension in the solar plexus area and thus be profoundly relaxing. The Prana Mudras are the subtle component. They can add an intensified flow of prana to all those areas mentioned above and also extend that flow to incorporate the rest of the body. The Mantras are the vibrational component. They add the therapeutic sound associated with the three main areas of the body: Ahh, everything below the navel; Ooo, centre of the body, navel to collar bones; Mmm, everything above the collar bones. As stated, this basic practice culminates in the Pranava AUM. Directional Healing extends this basic practice with the addition of a further mudra– Shunya Mudra. This enables the practitioner to become far more precise in being able to direct that flow of pranic energy and vibration to any location in the body. RHYTHMICAL BREATHING This is based on the assumption that Prana is the life force, the core energy of the body and the substance that animates our existence. According to the philosophy that underpins Pranayama there are many ways that a practitioner can influence this core energy by adopting certain breathing techniques. One of the most straightforward ways of doing this is by introducing various ratios or rhythms into the breathing cycle. This is a vast part of Pranayama: there are many, many rhythms that relate to all levels of being— physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We shall be exploring a general Pranayama (Savitri) whose rhythms touch on all those levels and a specific Pranayama (Panch Sahita) whose ratios relate to particular organs in the body. CLASSIC PRANAYAMA To some extent all the classic Kumbhakas have a healing or therapeutic undercurrent. However, the main focus of these classic breaths is their effect upon the subtle anatomy. One of these breaths is Bhastrika Pranayama: its main focus is on intensifying the ’storehouse’ of prana situated in Manipura Chakra. To achieve this subtle outcome an intense vibration is set up throughout the body, especially in the abdomen, chest and head, and it is this vibration, this intense pulse, that is used in the healing form of Bhastrika—Kushala Pranayama. This breath enables the practitioner to focus that vibration and be able to direct it to any location in the body as a powerful healing force. Nadi Shodhana also features in the classic texts as a powerful purification practice for Surya and Chandra Nadis: this practice involves a difficult rhythm and use of the bandhas. In some of its more basic forms it can also be used to nourish and balance the nervous system. To this end we will look at two specific practices using equal rhythms (balancing) and split rhythms (nourishing).


Papplewick Village Hall
17 Linby Lane
NG15 8FB


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About Philip XERRI

Philip began practicing Yoga in the 70's with Philip Jones in Cardiff. He 'fell in love' with Pranayama and went to India to study with Dr. Swami Gitananda. He studied Comparative Religions at Lancaster University and in 1984 founded Yoga Quests. To date Philip travels extensivly teaching on all aspects of Pranayama WS3 5DZ