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BWY Module Teaching Yoga in Prison Intensive

20th September 2024
at Charney Manor

BWY Module Teaching Yoga in Prison Intensive

Tutor: Selina Sasse, Victoria Green & Chris Holt

Date: 20th September 2024

Time: 07:00 - 21:00

Location: Charney Manor

Type of Event: Modules

Places Available: 16

Course Title:
Teaching Yoga in Prison Intensive (2024)

Start & End Dates:
Fri 20 Sept – Sun 22 Sept 

30 hours over 3 days

Friday 3pm-9pm

Sat 7am-9pm

Sun 7am-3pm

There are breaks, of course!

In person, Oxfordshire

Information about the course:
‘Today’s session was very relaxing, it really helped my anxiety and for a little while I felt like I wasn’t in jail.’  Young offender 

Prison can be the most rewarding place to teach meditation and yoga. The feedback from students is instant – and you may change lives in ways that are felt for years. 

The Prison Phoenix Trust has 35 years’ experience working in prisons and other secure settings and is recognised by prison services as the leading provider in the UK and Ireland of expertise in trauma-responsive, inclusive yoga in prison. 

Teaching Yoga in Prison won unanimous 6/6 scores from all participants in 2021.

Key Content:
•Trauma-responsive yoga and meditation practice for prison
•Inclusive teaching for prisoners’ diverse experiences and learning styles
•Prison security and safety
•Understanding grooming

Learning is experiential with talks, presentations, group exercises and discussions, individual practice, set reading, teaching try-outs and quizzes.

Teaching Yoga in Prison – Foundation forms the first part of the training required to be a fully BWY/PPT accredited prison yoga teacher. 

The 14-hour Foundation is hybrid – one day online and one day in person in Oxford, plus accompanying reading and assignments.  

Once teachers have completed the 2-day Foundation, they may  to progress to Teaching Yoga in Prison Intensive (30-hours residential weekend) and Accreditation (4 hours over 2 days in prison). These may be done in the same or following year as the Foundation.

Course requirements
•200hr yoga teaching qualification
•2 years’ continuous yoga teaching practice
•Demonstrable commitment to teaching marginalised or vulnerable people
•Commitment to daily meditation

Course Dates:

Fri 20 Sept – Sun 22 Sept

Cost: £650

Venue Address:
Charney Manor, Charney Bassett, Wantage OX12 0EJ

For more information, please contact or visit


Charney Manor
Charney Bassett
OX12 0EJ


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