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BWYT How Can Somatics Influence Our Yoga Practice? Module with Debby Wilkinson

21st September 2024
at Devizes

BWYT How Can Somatics Influence Our Yoga Practice? Module with Debby Wilkinson

Tutor: Debby Wilkinson

Date: 21st September 2024

Time: 00:00 - 00:00

Location: Devizes

Type of Event: Modules

Places Available: 14

Information about the course

There’s an increasing interest in the practice of Somatics, quite simply because it is a beautiful practice that works!  A deep mind-body system that supports the practice of ‘mindful yoga’, Somatics can bring about significant change to the functioning of the body and is utterly transformative.  Through it we can develop a deep ‘inner felt sense’ that changes the way we move our body in all that we do, including our yoga practice.  

So, what is Somatics?

Somatics is a practice where we learn to re-programme our muscles (neuromuscular re-programming); where we discover what is tight and learn through guided movement how to release it.  Our bodies react unconsciously to habitual movement and daily stresses, often becoming tight and painful.  Following an injury or illness, or due to repetitive use, muscles can get ‘stuck’ in a certain pattern of holding. Somatics can help you learn how to release and recalibrate your muscles allowing the body to re-find an ease in movement that may have been ‘long gone’.  In Somatics you use your brain to change your body and so the effects are faster and longer lasting.  At the same time, you rebalance your muscular-skeletal system and you learn to perceive your body from within.  This internal awareness can transform the way we practice Yoga making postures more easeful and graceful and reducing the amount of effort required to do them.  The deep sense of embodiment that can be achieved through Somatics can provide a gateway to unlocking the deeper dimensions of Yoga.

In summary, this 4-day course will explore in depth the symbiotic relationship between Somatics and Yoga and will include:

•A review of relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology to allow for greater ‘embodiment’ of practices
•A look at the theory behind Somatics
•Guided practices of a range of Somatics movements
•An exploration of the relationship between Somatics and Yoga āsana, leading to guided practices where we will explore how the awareness gained through Somatics can fundamentally change the way we practice and feel in our Yoga
•An exploration of how the awareness gained can go beyond the practice of āsana and can inform other yoga practices including prānāyāma.
•An exploration of relevant yoga philosophical models to see how the practice of Somatics within yoga can reinforce some aspects of yoga that are so often excluded from modern practice.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for Yoga teachers from any background, Student teachers, and experienced Yoga practitioners with at least one year’s experience who would like to take their yoga teaching/practice to a new level.

Teachers can claim 20 hours of CPD for this course.

Course Dates:
Sept 21st and 22nd
Nov 16th and 17th  2024

£400 (plus £30 BWY registration fee)

Booking - For more information, please contact .  Phone: 07505 142285 or visit


White Horse Yoga Centre,
Roundway Hill Business Centre,
SN10 2LT


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