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Beginning your Ayurveda Journey with Brenda Ward

7th September 2024

Beginning your Ayurveda Journey with Brenda Ward

Tutor: Brenda Ward

Date: 7th September 2024

Time: 09:30 - 16:30

Location: Online

Type of Event: Modules

Places Available: 20

Start Date: 7 September 2024

End Date: 1 February 2025

Cost: £680 (includes BWY registration fee of £60)

Information about the Course:

This six-month modular course will guide you through the basic principles and applications of Ayurveda to enable you to confidently begin and develop your Ayurveda journey. 

My course aims are to:

  • Present a progressive and well-structured guide to the basic principles of Ayurveda
  • Give students the tools to adopt simple Ayurvedic lifestyle and dietary changes into their own life to restore balance
  • Provide Yoga teachers and students sufficient insight into the principles of Ayurveda enabling them to integrate these principles into their Yoga classes and courses
  • Encourage Yoga teachers to see their students through the lens of Ayurveda as a way to meet their needs more skilfully 
  • Enable Yoga teachers to adapt the practices of Asana and Pranayama to support their students’ needs

So, whether you are a student or a teacher wanting to learn more about the beautiful and fascinating science of Ayurveda but are not sure where to begin, my Beginning Your Ayurveda Journey course could be just what you are looking for.  

Personal and Professional

The programme can be used for both personal and professional development.


The course will cover the following topics:

  • What is Ayurveda?
  • Introduction and historical development of Ayurveda
  • What is health?
  • The Panchamahabhuta or the Five Great Elements
  • The 3 Doshas : Vata, Pitta and Kapha
  • Determining your Dosha
  • Prakriti and Vikriti
  • What is Ama?
  • What is Agni?
  • What is Ojas?
  • Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology  
  • The signs of imbalance and Kriyakala (stages of disease)
  • How can we maintain/restore balance?
  • The Dinacharya or daily routine  
  • The Ritucharya or seasonal routine 
  • The six tastes 
  • The process of digestion
  • The Ayurvedic diet, faulty food combinations and supportive herbs
  • Using Yoga, Pranayama and the Chakras to restore and maintain equilibrium 
  • Putting it all together into a personal daily plan

Course Dates:

7 September 2024

5 October 2024

2 November 2024

7 December 2024

4 January 2025

1 February 2025


For a full course prospectus, please contact and/or for more information about Brenda Ward, please go to




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Online booking is not provided for this event. To book, please email or call the Course contact above.