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Asana with an Ayurvedic Approach

31st August 2024
at Trinty Church Hall

Asana with an Ayurvedic Approach

Tutor: Tarik DERVISH

Date: 31st August 2024

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Location: Trinty Church Hall

Type of Event: CPD

Places Available: 29

There are a bewildering number of Yoga styles these days but which style is the best? Every style offers a particular approach to Asana and to a great extent, we make our decisions based on practical considerations like time of the week or location. But there are other factors that make us keep going to a class. We notice the benefits. We are of course, all different and understanding something about our uniqueness can be enormously helpful in deciding what kind of Yoga class is best suited for us. Often, we will come out of a Yoga class feeling worse afterwards or the next day and we are not sure why. This workshop will explore the principles behind why certain systems suit us better than others and how we can adapt our own practice and potentially the classes we run for our students to take Ayurvedic principles into account. The following considerations might include: The season, the time of day, the time of life and some basic common ailments.


Trinty Church Hall
New Road Side
West Yorkshire
LS19 6AS


If you are a BWY member please ensure you are logged in. To make a booking for this event please select a ticket type and then click send booking. Certain events are only available to specific member types, for example first aid days for teachers and student teachers so please logon first to see specific tickets.

If you have questions please contact the event organiser or webadmin using the regional contacts page.

Ticket Type Price Tickets
BWY Non-Accredited £50.00
BWY Non-Accredited


About Tarik DERVISH

Tarik is a qualified and experienced Yoga Teacher/Trainer for the British Wheel of Yoga and Ayurvedic practitioner. He runs workshops and courses in Yoga and Ayurveda for Yoga practitioners and teachers. He specialises in training Yoga teachers with an Ayurvedic approach. He also has a small Ayurveda clinic in Kings Cross and central Brighton. He's been teaching Yoga since 1997 and has had a wide variety of training including Iyengar, Satyananda and Scaravelli traditions. His main approach is to help students establish a sound physical practice that is appropriate for their Ayurvedic Constitution as a foundation for deeper, subtle meditative work. He can be found giving talks and advice on Yoga and Ayurveda on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. For more information please visit his website