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New website go-live – special update for BWY members

Estimated 1 minute read time.

New website go-live – special update for BWY members


Dear BWY Member

We are pleased to tell you the new website now has a go-live date of Tuesday 10 October 2023.

On that day, while we move from one website to the other, there will be a time when it is not possible to update the old website or add to the new website. This is estimated to be 24 hours. This is a standard operating procedure and while it may take less time, 24 hours is an estimate.


During this time data will be transferred from one website to the other, to populate fields, such as events.

This will mean you’ll be unable to upload anything to the website for approximately 24 hours. For example, student teachers will not be able to upload work. Event organisers will not be able to add events. DCTs and FCTs will not be able to add new courses.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience. It should not take more than 24 hours, it may be less, but there are no guarantees.


Once we are ‘live’, you will receive a notification email inviting you to logon via a link unique to you. Because we are moving from one platform provider to another, this is essential. These links are active for one hour only, so if your link times out, there’s an option to receive another. Or you can go to the new website login page and ask to change your password, logging in via the email link you receive from there.


We hope you find the new website meets your needs and has new features to support your yoga life.


With thanks and best wishes,



The Website Project Team

Yoga News

New website go-live – special update for BWY members

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